News From The Principal
Dear Families,
Monday was also a successful day for our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews. Teachers were very proud of the way students shared their learning and future goals. Learners of the 21st Century need to develop varied skills in the way they think, communicate and learn so student involvement in these interviews was very important. At BCS we are moving towards ‘student led’ conferences in the future.
Cross Country Event
We had a wonderful Cross Country last Friday. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our resilient participants! The weather was glorious and everyone did their best. Thank you Miss Glover for organising such a wonderful event and thank you to all our helpers and staff on the day.
CPR Updates
Last Thursday, teachers and education support staff participated in CPR updates. We do this annually to keep up to date with these potentially lifesaving skills. Much of the learning we participated in was done through role playing based on “real life scenarios”; a very interactive and loud way to learn! Thanks Tim and Kath from Kemps for making the session so good.
Ongoing Training & Teacher Development
On Wednesday many of our teachers connected with other teachers from Stratford and Briagolong at Briagolong Primary School for a network meeting. We had a focus on primary maths and an opportunity to learn from each other in a supportive environment. Thank you Mrs Howard and staff at the other schools for providing such an engaging, informative session. We are keen to make this happen again in T3, with Briagolong and Stratford visiting us.
Big Achievement
I’m seeing lots of “50 times of reading at home certificates” coming to me for signing and green wrist bands on student signifying this achievement. This is very pleasing to see. Remember reading at home develops fluency and stamina at a much faster rate. Let’s work together to keep this a focus in 2022 and Wyatt Jones, this means you too!!
NAPLAN Again!!!
NAPLAN starts next week (10th of May) and runs across a 10 day window. The first day is writing for both Year 3 and 5. Most of NAPLAN is online this year, except Year 3 writing. Our students have been preparing for this assessment all their school lives. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and carers to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress. NAPLAN online is a tailored test that adapts to student responses, providing better assessment and more precise results. I have attached more information to this newsletter.
Kindest of regards,
Mrs Armitage
Acting Principal
School Council Members:
Jenna White, Jess Rae, Mick Daly, Leesa Brideson, Emma Daymond, Abby Meredith, Elspeth Lukjanov, Kelly Willis, Melissa Glover, Belinda Howard and Belinda Marshall.
School Council President: Tracey Harper Parents & Friends President: Bridie Heinrich